Lady doing Yoga in group

What is Yoga?

What does the word ‘yoga’ mean to you? Perhaps you associate it with an Indian mystic sitting in a trance high in the Himalayas, or with seemingly impossible contortions of the body. But, in fact, throughout the world millions of ordinary men and women have transformed their lives with the practice of this ancient science. Yoga is a system of postures, special breathing techniques and relaxation which harmonize all aspects of the individual. It originated in India some 5,000 years ago and in our century, a few forward-thinking yoga masters have revised these teachings into the form we know today, making the benefits available to all humanity regardless of race, religion, nationality, occupation or age.

Twenty minutes of yoga is worth hours of ordinary exercise. It is the way to good health and longevity, and will lead you to feeling youthful in body, mind and spirit. Yoga is the natural way to free yourself from the pains and nervous tension which sap away the strength and vigour of body and mind. Everyone can do enough yoga to experience great benefits almost at once. This is true for those aged eighty and beyond as well as for people of all ages who have allowed their physical condition to deteriorate. Many yoga practices can be done in a comfortable sitting position, standing up or lying down. Yoga is not ‘exercise’ in the ordinary sense. With the slow, gentle movements of yoga you can stimulate and relax every part of the body from the toes to the scalp and from the muscles and tendons inwards to the deepest internal organs and glands. Yoga awakens the vital force within, and, in addition, it is very enjoyable.

Adrienne Fortey (UK) Courtesy of Yogamag.net




MondayGeneral - Mirboo North6:00pm
TuesdayBeginner - Morwell11:00am
TuesdayGeneral - Morwell6::00pm

Authentic Yoga

Yoga has very little to do with the appearance of the body or complex poses. Yoga is actually the word describing the union of mind and body into a harmonious state where stillness, stability and balance become possible.
Through regular practice of yogic postures, breathing practices and guided relaxation you will gain this state of balance and learn to keep it, even in the chaos and confusion of the modern world.
Santosha Yoga offers a safe and supportive environment to explore the tradition of Yoga to attain peace in the modern world.

What Others Say

Attending Regularly has helped me to
get in touch with my body and mind, has helped to inspire me to set up a daily practice of Yoga and Meditation, also to make changes to my daily life.

Sera 2021 Student

“You will be pleasantly surprised how good it feels.
It challenges you in ways you would never expect.”

KERRY, Term 1, 2019

“From being in pain almost every day to having pain once or twice a month now. I am definitely more flexible. My breathing has improved and is no longer rapid and shallow. Its slower and deeper. I feel more relaxed physically. My blood pressure has dropped. My resting heart rate has dropped. I have lost weight. I feel like I am in the best Physical shape I have been in for a very long time”

Adam 2019 Student

“It surprised me to find that it was something that was easy to follow and how much I learnt about myself and what I can do.”

GAIL, Term 1, 2019

“i had always believed that i couldnt do meditation because my mind kept on wandering / worrying about things and then i would beat myself up because i couldnt do it properly. Yoga has shown me that this is a normal part of meditation and that it just takes practise.“

HELEN, Term 1, 2019

Tell a Friend

Yoga is more than a new form of fitness. It strengthens the body and the mind, whilst at the same time connecting them so that our efforts become aligned with our intent. Our resolutions and comitments become more easily achievable.
Yoga can be practiced safely by anyone in a variety of settings.
Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati
“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

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MondayGeneral - Mirboo North6:00pm
TuesdayBeginner - Morwell11:00am
TuesdayGeneral - Morwell6:00PM