What is Yoga?
What does the word ‘yoga’ mean to you? Perhaps you associate it with an Indian mystic sitting in a trance high in the Himalayas, or with seemingly impossible contortions of the body. But, in fact, throughout the world millions of ordinary men and women have transformed their lives with the practice of this ancient science. Yoga is a system of postures, special breathing techniques and relaxation which harmonize all aspects of the individual. It originated in India some 5,000 years ago and in our century, a few forward-thinking yoga masters have revised these teachings into the form we know today, making the benefits available to all humanity regardless of race, religion, nationality, occupation or age.
Day |
Class |
Time |
Monday | General - Mirboo North | 6:00pm |
Tuesday | Beginner - Morwell | 11:00am |
Tuesday | General - Morwell | 6::00pm |
Day |
Class |
Time |
Monday | General - Mirboo North | 6:00pm |
Tuesday | Beginner - Morwell | 11:00am |
Tuesday | General - Morwell | 6:00PM |