

Santosha Yoga promotes an authentic form of traditional Yoga, which many in the west remain unaware of. The practice of Yoga cannot be equated with modern exercise and cannot be understood through commercial wellbeing projects. This is because Yoga is a way of life which refines and uplifts individual consciousness and collective culture to better represent our true purpose on this earth. 

Yoga has always existed, but in many periods of history was forgotten. It’s techniques and wisdom protected and upheld by a culture of people who wish to preserve truth and uplift human potential. From time to time in history, this ancient knowledge has become more significant and relevant to a wider community which would otherwise follow a path of individualism, ill health, disregard for human and animal life and the destruction of nurturing environments.

Now is such a time for remembering ancient truths about our nature and purpose. 

Teacher Profile: Ananta

After years spent trying to invent a life as a traveler, poet, journalist and guerilla gardener, Ananta settled down to build a career as a mental health professional working jobs that allowed him to make a difference to people experiencing tough times.

At some point, he realized that the Yogic lifestyle was the most effective way to do this and he took up the path of a yoga teacher. Through a dedication to learning and practicing Yoga, he has encouraged others to take up these ancient techniques to revitalize and re-inspire a modern life.

Not difficult poses, not complex twists, and stretches. Not heavy physical exertion, nor high-end fitness wear is yoga, but the approach that unifies mind, body and spirit. Yoga is regularly practicing the stillness of mind and body.

Through this stillness, a new perspective on the day, the week and ultimately life itself becomes available to everyone who breathes and can realize they are breathing.

Ananta retains a commitment to the teaching and inspired visionof Swami Satyananda Saraswati and the Bihar School of Yoga Worldwide and recognizes the contribution of Swami Jayananda Saraswati to the spread of Yoga in Gippsland and Victoria.

Prem and Om

What Others Have Said

Gentle, kind and informative yoga. My body is so thankful ��

Kelle Belle Avatar Kelle Belle

positive review  I have been learning Yoga for the last 18mths with Ananta.I was always thinking about doing yoga but never knew about where to go till I saw a flyer and decided to join. I have never looked back as it has helped me to change my outlook on a lot of things becoming more positive and also helping me with my health in general.You also get to meet a lot of like minded people who want to learn to relax and to listen to there bodies.I would say to anyone who wants to learn yoga do it.

Gail Randall Avatar Gail Randall
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Yoga is more than a new form of fitness. It strengthens the body and the mind, whilst at the same time connecting them so that our efforts become aligned with our intent. Our resolutions and comitments become more easily achievable.
Yoga can be practiced safely by anyone in a variety of settings.
Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati
“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Yoga is the heritage of the past and the culture of tomorrow”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

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